Welcome to the Doe v. MindGeek Case Website.

If you were under the age of 18 and appeared in a photo or video on sites like Pornhub, Redtube, YouPorn, XTube, Tube8, or others, your rights are affected by this lawsuit. An expanded list of included websites can be found in Question 9 on the FAQs page.

Your legal rights are affected whether you act or don’t act. Read this website and the Notice carefully.

The lawsuit claims that Defendants knew or should have known that they systematically benefited from the possession and distribution of child sex abuse material (“CSAM”) on its pornography websites.

The Court decided that the “class” includes all persons who were under the age of 18 when they appeared in a video or image that has been made available for viewing on any website owned or operated by Defendants from February 12, 2011, through the present.

The Court has not decided who is right or wrong. There is no money available now, and no guarantee there will be. However, if you are a member of the class described above, your legal rights are affected, and you have a choice to make now.

Your Legal Rights and Options in This Lawsuit
Do Nothing

Stay in this lawsuit. Await the outcome. Give up certain rights.
By doing nothing, you keep the possibility of getting money or benefits that may come from a trial or a settlement. But, you give up any rights to sue Defendants separately about the same legal claims in this lawsuit. You will be bound by the result of this lawsuit.

Exclude Yourself (Opt Out)
by December 6, 2024

Get out of this lawsuit. Get no benefits. Keep your rights to sue.
If you ask to be excluded from this lawsuit and money or benefits are later awarded, you will not share in that money or those benefits. But you keep any rights to sue Defendants separately, at your own expense, and with your own attorney about the same legal claims in this lawsuit, subject to applicable defenses that Defendants may have to each legal claim.

These rights and options—and the deadlines to exercise them—are explained further on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.